Oral Cancer Screening
Oral Cancer Screenings at your Dentist
The VELscope intraoral camera is a technological advancement in oral health that enables your Vancouver dentist, Smile A Lot Dental Centre, to obtain a close up view of your mouth. It has an integrated light with a camera that offers easy-to-see video clips and still pictures. We can utilize it to offer you a view of your entire mouth, or we can use it to focus on specific teeth, revealing dental caries, gum illnesses, damaged fillings, or cracked teeth.
This VELscope intraoral camera is a wonderful addition to the world of preventative dentistry because it allows us to view your mouth in much more detail than is possible with the human eye, opening up our knowledge for treatable dental issues.
After we’ve treated your oral condition, the VELscope intraoral camera can let you see, up close, your beautiful, healthy, teeth as well as gums. Pictures captured with the Intraoral electronic camera can easily be printed out or saved as part of your long-term oral record at our dental practice. Additionally, the images can be emailed to professionals and insurance policy firms.
If you have any kind of questions, our professional dental team is consistently readily available, please contact us today.