Ultra-Processed Foods Consumption Increases The Risk of Early Death

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Ultra-processed foods Increases the risk of early death by 62 per cent, a new study from Spain says.

The study that was recently published in the British Medical Journal and that was covered by CTVNews.ca Writer Jeremiah Rodriguez said that people who have four daily servings of ultra-processed foods such as chips, cereal, candy, soft drinks, ice cream or pizza are increasing their risk of early death by 62 per cent. Moreover, “for every additional serving of ultra-processed food a person consumes beyond the four, the risk of death shoots up by 18 per cent,” the study says.

Researchers checked in with nearly 20,000 participants between the ages of 20 and 91 every two years between 1999 and 2014. They noticed that those who ate the most ultra-processed foods had a higher body mass index compared to those who rarely ate them.


According to The Heart and Stroke Foundation, common ultra-processed foods include soft drinks, chips, chocolate, candy, ice cream, sugary cereals, packaged soups, muffins, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, cakes and fries.

Although they may be tasty, durable and convenient, ultra-processed food may lead to higher global rates of cancer, obesity and hypertension and people could improve their diet if they cut back on them.

Jeremiah Rodriguez, CTVNews.ca Writer, Published May 29, 2019

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