10 Healthy Food Trends – by Facty Health

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10 Healthy Food Trends – by Facty Health


  1. Edible Flowers

Floral garnishing is expected to blossom. A number of edible flowers such as lavender and hibiscus, elderflower and rose are not only used to fancy dinner plates but carry a set of health benefits like improving sleep, reducing blood pressure, easing stomach pain, or aiding in weight loss. Cocktails, teas, lattes, and sparkling drinks infused with these botanical flowers taste good and are also healthy.


  1. Fermented Foods

Fermented foods such as sauerkraut or sourdough bread are known for their, well, sourness and they are very good for our gut health. That’s because during the process of fermentation, yeast, fungi, and bacteria convert the starch into acid or alcohol. This same transformation creates a plethora of benefits for digestive health since good bacteria helps absorb and assimilate nutrients.  Good bacteria and gut health can also boost the immune system and give more energy.



  1. Meatless Jerky

Jerky is a chewy delight that some people just love eating. Apparently, it is also healthy. Meatless jerky come in a variety of flavors. For example, one serving of coconut jerky does not have as much protein as turkey jerky, but it gives you as much potassium as a banana with half the sodium. If you are vegan-friendly or gluten-free, this is the best way to enjoy beef jerky.


  1. Fungus Frenzy

Mushrooms are known for supporting heart health and fighting inflammation since they are packed with protein and are loaded with fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. You can blend them together with ground beef and get a meat patty that is overall healthier because it is lower in both calories and fat. You can also try fungus-infused drinks such as a shiitake cocktail or a coffee with Chaga mushrooms. Other healthy options include lion’s mane, reishi, or cordyceps. They create a rich and creamy flavor in your favorite tea or smoothie not to mention a boost to your immune system.


  1. The Low-FODMAP Diet

Another way to regulate weight, boost the immune system, and manage mental health is with the low-FODMAP diet. The acronym in the name represents a carbohydrate found in dairy products, legumes, sugar alcohols, and a variety of other foods. You should avoid eating fructose and lactose on the low-FODMAP diet. Instead of searching for gluten-free labels, this can be your next healthy trend. However, stay cautious of products that claim to be low-FODMAP, but are still packed with added sugars and saturated fats.

  1. A Bug Buffet

Although this diet might make your skin crawl, it is considered a healthy alternative. Eating edible insects, also known as entomophagy, has been popular in the East for years, but the West is starting to notice the health benefits.

According to Australian health and wellness expert Fiona Tuck, crickets are 69% protein and contain all nine essential amino acids. Crickets are rich in omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids along with a good source of vitamin B12. These particular bugs have double the amount of potassium as spinach, just as much calcium as milk, and undeniable amounts of iron similar to red meat. While a cricket cuisine might not seem like the tastiest treat, bug-based foods offer a healthy crunch.


  1. Upcycled Food Waste

The root-to-stem movement has been growing in the last few years. Instead of wasting part of the food such as the root or stem, people started cooking every little piece. Meals like broccoli stem slaw and pickled watermelon rind began paving the way for a healthy and environmentally-friendly future.

Waste-free foods mean also recycling scraps in a whole new way. For example, vegetable pulp from cold-pressed juices can be reused for veggie chips.


  1. Mediterranean Meals

Middle Eastern spices, Arabic flavors, and Mediterranean treats such as Greek cooking from extra virgin olive oil, legumes and pulses, pomegranate and eggplant will jazz up your dinner and will also contribute to your health.


  1. Super Powders

Healing powders such as turmeric, matcha, maca and spirulina can be mixed into baked goods, cereals, smoothies, coffee, and more and give you a burst of energy as well as improve blood pressure. They can add protein and other nutrients into your diet without packing on the calories. In fact, this might be one of the best-kept beauty secrets for youthful skin.


  1. Mocktails

If you are not a heavy drinker but like to hang out in a social atmosphere with a drink, why not try a healthy drink such as gluten-free beer, sugar-free mixed drinks, and organic wine. Companies like Welch’s and Ocean Spray have recently created a line of cocktail juice blends that mimic sophisticated spirits in terms of flavor but minus the calories and hangover. How does a cranberry sangria or peach bellini sound this year? It has the look and taste of fun without the bad decisions.

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