
Things You Should Do Now to Ensure Better Health in 10 Years

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Things You Should Do Now
to Ensure Better Health in 10 Years

by Rubicon Project


We all want to live a better life and be as healthy, strong, and happy as possible. The choices we make today will have an effect on how healthy we are tomorrow and in the long run.
So to be at our healthiest 10 years from now, here’s where we should start:

1. Quit smoking

We all know smoking is bad for our health, but plenty of people still light up. Quitting today could mean great things for the long-term health.
In five years, your risk of a subarachnoid hemorrhage decreases by 59 percent, and in 10 years for men and five years for women, the risk of developing diabetes is reduced to that of a nonsmoker.

Smokers have been found to be 2.2 times more likely to die from lung cancer than quitters.


2. Watch your BMI

Maintaining a healthy body mass index (BMI) can lower the risk for certain diseases. As BMI increases, so does the risk for some diseases that are related to overweight and obesity: premature death, cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, some cancers, and diabetes. Eating healthfully and exercising can help regulate your BMI.

 3. Make love

There are all kinds of benefits to keeping a regular sex life — everything from easing depression to relieving pain to fighting off prostate cancer. Oh, and people who have sex one to two times a week also appear to have an immune response that is 30 percent higher than those who don’t have any sex at all.

 4. Moderate your alcohol

Alcohol, in moderation, can have some health benefits, including a reduction in cardiovascular disease, while heavy drinking can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, damage to the heart muscle, and an increased risk of several cancers. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identify moderate drinking as no more than one drink per day for women, and no more than two per day for men.


5. Turn off the television

 A 2015 study found a correlation between increased time watching television and a higher incidence of heart disease, cancer, COPD, diabetes, influenza/pneumonia, Parkinson’s disease, liver disease, and suicide. This mean you should probably be monitoring the number of hours you spend sedentary in front of the TV. Try swapping some of those hours out for something active instead.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults should get between seven and nine hours of sleep a night. Failing to get that amount on a regular basis could lead to long-term health consequences, including increased obesity and high blood pressure and decreased well-being.

7. Exercise

According to the CDC, “getting at least 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity aerobic activity” can reduce your risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. A physically active lifestyle also lowers your risk for colon and breast cancer.


8. Reach a healthy weight

The World Health Organization reports that being overweight increases your risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, osteoarthritis, and several cancers. Losing weight obviously isn’t a simple task, and many struggle to reach a healthy weight.

9. Visit your doctor

The CDC reports that: “The right preventive care at every stage of life helps all Americans stay healthy, avoid or delay the onset of disease, keep diseases they already have from becoming worse or debilitating, [and] lead productive lives.” An annual checkup is beneficial for everyone, but the U.S. Preventive Services Task Forces says women especially should make biennial mammograms a priority after age 50, as well as Pap smears every 3 years after the age of 21 (unless your doctor recommends getting these screenings more frequently).

10. Avoid too much sun

We all benefit from vitamin D, but failing to take sun precautions (an SPF of 30 or higher) can increase your risk of skin cancer. It can also cause sun damage to your skin that will make you appear older than you would like in 10 years.

We’re all getting older, so why not make the choices now that will improve your life in the future?


10 Healthy Food Trends – by Facty Health

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10 Healthy Food Trends – by Facty Health


  1. Edible Flowers

Floral garnishing is expected to blossom. A number of edible flowers such as lavender and hibiscus, elderflower and rose are not only used to fancy dinner plates but carry a set of health benefits like improving sleep, reducing blood pressure, easing stomach pain, or aiding in weight loss. Cocktails, teas, lattes, and sparkling drinks infused with these botanical flowers taste good and are also healthy.


  1. Fermented Foods

Fermented foods such as sauerkraut or sourdough bread are known for their, well, sourness and they are very good for our gut health. That’s because during the process of fermentation, yeast, fungi, and bacteria convert the starch into acid or alcohol. This same transformation creates a plethora of benefits for digestive health since good bacteria helps absorb and assimilate nutrients.  Good bacteria and gut health can also boost the immune system and give more energy.



  1. Meatless Jerky

Jerky is a chewy delight that some people just love eating. Apparently, it is also healthy. Meatless jerky come in a variety of flavors. For example, one serving of coconut jerky does not have as much protein as turkey jerky, but it gives you as much potassium as a banana with half the sodium. If you are vegan-friendly or gluten-free, this is the best way to enjoy beef jerky.


  1. Fungus Frenzy

Mushrooms are known for supporting heart health and fighting inflammation since they are packed with protein and are loaded with fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. You can blend them together with ground beef and get a meat patty that is overall healthier because it is lower in both calories and fat. You can also try fungus-infused drinks such as a shiitake cocktail or a coffee with Chaga mushrooms. Other healthy options include lion’s mane, reishi, or cordyceps. They create a rich and creamy flavor in your favorite tea or smoothie not to mention a boost to your immune system.


  1. The Low-FODMAP Diet

Another way to regulate weight, boost the immune system, and manage mental health is with the low-FODMAP diet. The acronym in the name represents a carbohydrate found in dairy products, legumes, sugar alcohols, and a variety of other foods. You should avoid eating fructose and lactose on the low-FODMAP diet. Instead of searching for gluten-free labels, this can be your next healthy trend. However, stay cautious of products that claim to be low-FODMAP, but are still packed with added sugars and saturated fats.

  1. A Bug Buffet

Although this diet might make your skin crawl, it is considered a healthy alternative. Eating edible insects, also known as entomophagy, has been popular in the East for years, but the West is starting to notice the health benefits.

According to Australian health and wellness expert Fiona Tuck, crickets are 69% protein and contain all nine essential amino acids. Crickets are rich in omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids along with a good source of vitamin B12. These particular bugs have double the amount of potassium as spinach, just as much calcium as milk, and undeniable amounts of iron similar to red meat. While a cricket cuisine might not seem like the tastiest treat, bug-based foods offer a healthy crunch.


  1. Upcycled Food Waste

The root-to-stem movement has been growing in the last few years. Instead of wasting part of the food such as the root or stem, people started cooking every little piece. Meals like broccoli stem slaw and pickled watermelon rind began paving the way for a healthy and environmentally-friendly future.

Waste-free foods mean also recycling scraps in a whole new way. For example, vegetable pulp from cold-pressed juices can be reused for veggie chips.


  1. Mediterranean Meals

Middle Eastern spices, Arabic flavors, and Mediterranean treats such as Greek cooking from extra virgin olive oil, legumes and pulses, pomegranate and eggplant will jazz up your dinner and will also contribute to your health.


  1. Super Powders

Healing powders such as turmeric, matcha, maca and spirulina can be mixed into baked goods, cereals, smoothies, coffee, and more and give you a burst of energy as well as improve blood pressure. They can add protein and other nutrients into your diet without packing on the calories. In fact, this might be one of the best-kept beauty secrets for youthful skin.


  1. Mocktails

If you are not a heavy drinker but like to hang out in a social atmosphere with a drink, why not try a healthy drink such as gluten-free beer, sugar-free mixed drinks, and organic wine. Companies like Welch’s and Ocean Spray have recently created a line of cocktail juice blends that mimic sophisticated spirits in terms of flavor but minus the calories and hangover. How does a cranberry sangria or peach bellini sound this year? It has the look and taste of fun without the bad decisions.

Childhood Inactivity – Global Epidemic (BBC NEWS/Health)

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The World Health Organization says children’s health is being damaged due to failing to exercise the recommended hour a day. Lack of activity that includes getting your heart beat more quickly and the lungs breathe harder also negatively impact their brain development and social skills. Boys were more active than girls in all but four of the 146 countries studied.

In the short term, being active means:

  • fitter heart and lungs
  • stronger bones and muscles
  • better mental health and wellbeing
  • lower weight

There is no single answer that explains why activity levels are so low but there are some common themes.

One is the focus on academic performance over physical fitness:
1. Very long periods of the day are spent sitting in school doing homework and then there are less opportunities to be more active.
2. The rise of “digital play” – a world of entertainment available on a phone, tablet or computer replaces time spent outdoors.


Globally, 85% of girls are taking too little physical exercise, while the figure for boys is 78%, the study suggests.
“In some cultures, adolescent girls are not meant to be as active or not encouraged to be as active as the boys,” Ms Riley says.
The researchers also say the way participating in sport is promoted often means it appeals more to boys than to girls.
And more effort is needed to push the activities girls find more appealing.

The study, published in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health, looked at activity levels recorded between 2001 and 2016.
In that time, inactivity in boys fell from 80% to 78%, while in girls it stayed at 85%, according to the study.

What do experts think?

Dr Mark Tremblay, from the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, in Canada, says: “The electronic revolution has fundamentally transformed people’s movement patterns by changing where and how they live, learn, work, play, and travel, progressively isolating them indoors, most often in chairs.

“People sleep less, sit more, walk less frequently, drive more regularly, and do less physical activity than they used to.”
Prof Russell Viner, the President of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, says the findings are “concerning”.
“Children who are more active have better health and wellbeing and generally do better in school,” he says.

Dental Hygiene – Waterpik Oral Health Care

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Brushing your teeth is sometimes not enough.

Just brushing leaves plaque and food debris behind, which can lead to gum disease, tooth decay, and bad breath. The Waterpik® Water Flosser is the Easy and Most Effective Way to Floss. It removes the debris that brushing leaves behind, and it is clinically proven to improve oral health.

To Watch the Video, Click Below:

Ultra-Processed Foods Consumption Increases The Risk of Early Death

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Ultra-processed foods Increases the risk of early death by 62 per cent, a new study from Spain says.

The study that was recently published in the British Medical Journal and that was covered by CTVNews.ca Writer Jeremiah Rodriguez said that people who have four daily servings of ultra-processed foods such as chips, cereal, candy, soft drinks, ice cream or pizza are increasing their risk of early death by 62 per cent. Moreover, “for every additional serving of ultra-processed food a person consumes beyond the four, the risk of death shoots up by 18 per cent,” the study says.

Researchers checked in with nearly 20,000 participants between the ages of 20 and 91 every two years between 1999 and 2014. They noticed that those who ate the most ultra-processed foods had a higher body mass index compared to those who rarely ate them.


According to The Heart and Stroke Foundation, common ultra-processed foods include soft drinks, chips, chocolate, candy, ice cream, sugary cereals, packaged soups, muffins, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, cakes and fries.

Although they may be tasty, durable and convenient, ultra-processed food may lead to higher global rates of cancer, obesity and hypertension and people could improve their diet if they cut back on them.

Jeremiah Rodriguez, CTVNews.ca Writer, Published May 29, 2019

A Few Habits That Can Lead to Happiness

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Everybody wants to be happy, live a happier, more satisfied life. All this is definitely within reach with some positive habits you can add to your life.


Smiling is a two-way street. We smile when we’re happy, and smiling causes the brain to release dopamine, which makes us happier.

The next time you find yourself feeling low, crack a smile and see what happens. You can start by smiling at yourself in the mirror every morning.



Regular exercise can help to reduce stress, feelings of anxiety, and symptoms of depression while boosting self-esteem and happiness.

You don’t have to train for a triathlon – even a small amount of physical activity can make a difference.

Get enough sleep

Adequate sleep is vital to good health, brain function, and emotional well-being. Most adults need about 7 or 8 hours of sleep every night. If you find yourself fighting the urge to nap during the day or just generally feel like you’re in a fog, your body may be telling you it needs more rest.



Eat to feel good

Some food choices can affect your mood.

Carbohydrates release serotonin, a “feel good” hormone. Keep simple carbs — foods high in sugar and starch — to a minimum, because that energy surge is short and shortly after eating them, you’ll crash. Complex carbs, such as vegetables, beans, and whole grains, are better.

Lean meat, poultry, legumes, and dairy are high in protein. These foods release dopamine and norepinephrine, which boost energy and concentration.

Highly processed or deep-fried foods tend to leave you feeling down.


Be grateful

Being grateful is a big mood boost. Practicing gratitude can have a significant impact on feelings of hope and happiness. Start each day by acknowledging one thing you’re grateful for.


Be kind

Performing acts of kindness can help you feel more satisfied. For example, giving a sincere compliment is a quick, easy way to brighten someone’s day while giving your own happiness a boost.


Breathe deeply

Taking a long, deep breath can reduce stress and calm yourself down.


Keep a journal

A journal is a good way to organize your thoughts, analyze your feelings, and make plans. It can be as simple as jotting down a few thoughts before you go to bed.



Decluttering doesn’t have to be a big project. Just setting aside just 20 minutes a week can have a big impact.


Keep in touch with friends

Having close friends and meaningful relationships can make us happier. Set time to meet or chat with your friends.


Spend time outdoors

Spending 30 minutes or more a week in green spaces can help lower blood pressure and depression, according to a 2016 studyTrusted Source. It can be your neighborhood park, your own backyard, or a rooftop garden — anywhere you can appreciate some nature and fresh air.




Going out to your favorite restaurant, taking a movie, or going on that trip you’ve always dreamed of is also recipe for some happiness in your life.

At the start of each month, make a short list of happy memories or things you’re looking forward to on a small piece of paper or on your phone.

When you find yourself waiting for a ride, standing in line at the grocery store, or just with a few minutes to kill, break out the list. You can even use it when you’re just generally feeling down and need to change up your thoughts.

Be happy.

Superfood Can Fight Type 2 Diabetes (healthline.com)

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Superfood Can Fight Type 2 Diabetes – healthline.com

Superfoods are packed with nutrients, and when it comes to fighting chronic illnesses like type 2 diabetes, which is often preventable, adding the right superfoods to your diet is key.

Type 2 diabetes is a chronic condition in which your body doesn’t produce enough (or any) insulin, or doesn’t properly use insulin to metabolize glucose, a sugar your body needs to fuel itself. While genetics definitely play a role, research shows that diet and exercise habits are also main contributors to the development of type 2 diabetes.According to American Diabetes Association, beans, dark leafy greens, citrus fruits, quinoa, berries, tomatoes, fish high in omega-3 fatty acids, whole grains with ample amounts of fiber, nuts and fat-free milk and yogurt are full of fiber, protein, and healthy fats (as well as vitamins and antioxidants).In other words, they are packed with the good stuff without all the bad stuff known to increase your risk for type 2 diabetes. Also, they are low in simple sugars and saturated fats and have a low glycemic index, which is an important ranking of carbohydrate-containing foods that is based on the food’s effect on blood sugar.


“’Superfoods’ seem to have come into existence due to their high nutrient content of one particular nutrient,” says Puja Mistry, MS, RD, LD, the Houston regional dietitian at H-E-B Grocery Stores. “For example, kale became a superfood due to its high vitamin K content. Acai and blueberries for their antioxidants, avocados for their healthy fats, edamame for their protein. However, these foods alone cannot get the job done. They are excellent sources of what they provide, but they work best in combination with a variety of healthy foods. Basically, one food alone isn’t going to be a cure for anything.”

With that philosophy in mind, don’t hesitate to incorporate superfoods into your everyday meals.


In Office Whitening – Get the Bright, White Smile You’ve Dreamed Of!

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In Office Whitening

Team up with Dr. Radomsky and Opalescense to get the bright,
white smile you’ve dreamed of!

Opalescense Boost

A 40% hydrogen peroxide power bleaching gel, Opalescense Boost whitening offers brighter, whiter teeth after about an hour and a half in the dental chair.

This professional treatment is administered start to finish in the dental chair, so please talk to Dr. Radomsky and Martha to set up your appointment!

Formulated to prevent dehydration and shade relapse.

Opalescense PF take-home whitening comes in 10%, 15%, 20%, 35% or 45% carbamide peroxide concentration.

Day or night wear and sticky viscous gel won’t migrate to soft tissues.

Price is $399 includes power bleach in office and take home bleaching trays

We look forward to seeing you at your next Dental Hygiene Appointment!


Dr. Radomsky and the Smilealot Dental Team!

Treating Burns Without Touching the Patient – A Groundbreaking Device

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Nanomedic Technologies Ltd, is an Israeli company that developed a breakthrough medical device which enables to treat burn victims without touching their burn injuries and causing them added pain when dressing a wound.

“It’s like a bandage but a very highly advanced bandage. It is for very serious wounds — second-degree burns, surgical wounds, large opened and partial deep wounds,” Dr. Chen Barak, CEO of Nanomedic, tells NoCamels. “We will also treat chronic wounds and dermal diseases.”

The company manufactures a transient skin layer, a protective layer that remains on the wound throughout the healing process. The polymer solution the company uses is with characteristics specific to the treatment for the wound.

“The protective layer is applied from about 20 cm away from the wound, without touching the wound. It feels like a delicate wind on the wound. You apply it once and it remains on the wound for the healing process,” says Barak. “It can take two to three weeks but the layer is there to protect the wound and to allow underneath healing of a new skin.”

There is also a reduced risk for infection, she says, because the wound is never touched. “You don’t need to replace it. Typically, the major pain that patients complain about is the traumatic changing of dressings. Here you skip this step and this is crucial for the patient and for the caregiver. After our application, you can go back to regular day-to-day life, including early showers and free movement,” says Barak.

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