
Sniffing Out Diseases: Cancer and Parkinson’s To Be Detected On Breath

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Source: nocamels


An international team of researchers confirmed that some diseases are characterized by different “chemical signatures” identifiable in breath samples.

The findings by the team led by Israel’s Professor Hossam Haick of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology were published recently in ACS Nano.

17 diseases, 13 shared chemical components

The study of more than 1,400 patients included 17 different and unrelated diseases: lung cancer, colorectal cancer, head and neck cancer, ovarian cancer, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, kidney cancer, stomach cancer, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, Parkinson’s disease (two types), multiple sclerosis, pulmonary hypertension, preeclampsia and chronic kidney disease.

The researchers tested the chemical composition of the breath samples and discovered that all 17 of the diseases contained the same 13 chemical components, albeit in different compositions.

*Source: nocamels

“Each of these diseases is characterized by a unique fingerprint, meaning a different composition of these 13 chemical components,” Prof. Haick explained in a statement. “Just as each of us has a unique fingerprint that distinguishes us from others, each disease has a chemical signature that distinguishes it from other diseases and from a normal state of health.”

Food for Your Brain

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Photos of Smile A Lot Staff Dinner

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Photos of Smile A Lot Staff Dinner.
Staff members are:
Jeannie office manager
Martha hygienist
Allison hygienist
Sharon reception
Anna certified dental assistant
Karla administration

“Smilealot” is not a widely recognized word or term in the English language, and it does not have a specific meaning in the context of common vocabulary. However, if we were to interpret it as a made-up word, we could associate it with positivity and happiness. In a world often filled with challenges and stress, the idea of “smilealot” could be a reminder to find reasons to smile and spread joy.

A “smilealot” attitude might encourage us to focus on the bright side of life, embrace moments of happiness, and share our smiles with others. Smiling is a universal gesture of warmth and connection, and it has the power to lift spirits and create a more pleasant atmosphere in any situation. So, in the spirit of “smilealot,” let’s remember the importance of finding joy in the little things, sharing our smiles with those around us, and making the world a happier place one smile at a time.

The Health Secret Hiding on the San Blas Islands

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By Dr. Steven Gundry.

Source: https://gundrymd.com/heart_defense/juneA1.html


Many senior natives from the San Blas Islands in the Panama Canal who are called Kuna, looked and acted 25 years younger than they actually were! Sixty-year-old Kuna men were rowing from island to island with ease… Kuna women over 70 still had smooth, radiant skin — despite years spent in the blistering sun…

Kuna people of ALL ages routinely enjoyed big island feasts without getting indigestion or gaining weight…
On the surface, the Kuna don’t seem to eat any healthier than Americans — tons of salt, fatty foods, lots of calories…

But somehow, they don’t seem to age as fast as the rest of us…
And this may sound strange… but it’s because of their hearts. You see, your heart is responsible for pumping blood all over your body. This is how your organs and tissues get the oxygen and nutrients they need to stay healthy and “young.”

As you age, though… your heart tends to wear down. As a result, your organs and tissues begin to starve, and you get “older.” But, this doesn’t seem to happen to the Kuna. Why the Kuna were so “immune” to heart problems and aging.

The key to the Kuna health was NOT genetics…

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YES! Dr. Steven Gundry Say There is a Way to Predict How Long you Will Live

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Editing an Article by Dr. Steven Gundry | Founder, Gundry MD


Simply try The SRT (stands for Sit-Rise-Test) that Dr. Gundry’s colleague, Dr. Claudio Gil Araujo, invented and you will be able to know how long you’ll live.

There are three key indicators when it comes to your longevity: Flexibility, balance, and muscle strength and as you get older, these “big three” become VERY important to your health.


So …. let’s begin…

(NOTE: If you have any health issues that make you prone to falls, please consult your doctor before attempting, or have a friend or family member “spot” you when you perform the test.)

  1. Start by lowering yourself to a sitting position on the floor — without leaning on anything. There is a catch though: You can only use your legs. You can’t use your hands, knees, forearms, or any other part of your body for that matter. (That’s why I recommend trying this on a carpet.)

Here’s how to score yourself:
– If you can sit all the way down with no support, you get +5 points.
– If you can stand all the way up from the sitting position, you get another +5 points
But each time you use your hands, arms, or knees to sit or stand, you lose -1 point for each “cheat”
So if you can sit all the way down but need your knee and hand to stand up, your score is 10 – 2 = 8 points

RESULTS: A “10” is the best possible score — and a “0” is the WORST. (Physicians consider anything above a 7 to be an excellent longevity score.)

If you scored an 8 or higher… you did excellent!

And if you scored a 7 or lower… there’s good news for you too: Fortunately, you can practice this once a week and improve your numbers over time…

And every single point you can increase your SRT score means a huge boost to your longevity!


15 Warning Signs of Diabetes

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*Source: https://healthy-sporty-beautiful.com/15-warning-signs-diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common and also dangerous diseases. Here are several silent symptoms you should be aware of:

Thirst: The first important sign of diabetes is unusual and excessive thirst. If you feel thirsty all the time, something’s wrong.

Urge to urinate: High blood sugar level increases the amount of urine production and also, if you start drinking a lot more than you usually would, you’ll also have to go to the bathroom more frequently.

Fatigue: Feeling tired even when you didn’t do anything exhausting? You can experience tiredness in case of both low and high blood pressure. Glucose slows down the circulation, thus your cells won’t get the amount of nutrients and oxygen they need and it all results in making you feel tired.



Thrush: Diabetes can lead to itching and burning in the genital area as the excess sugar increases the risk of getting yeast infections.

Problems in Vision: High blood sugar causes the lens of the eye to swell consequently changing your vision. Dry eyes are also trying to warn you, so please don’t wait too long to be monitored.

Slow healing: get checked if cuts and wounds are healing very slowly. Moreover, you’re more likely to get infected if you have diabetes and your immune system is weakened.

Appetite: Diabetes can lead to an increased appetite and excessive hunger.




Weight Loss: Similar to weight gain, diabetes can also result in weight loss since your body starts to break down protein from your muscles and not fat. Moreover, your kidneys start working excessively hard trying to eliminate the extra glucose.

Skin Problems: The defense mechanism of the body is trying help fight against diabetes with darkening spots, rashes and itchy skin all over the body.

Numbness: Untreated high blood sugar lead to nerve damage, numbness, and tingling to pain and swelling hands and feet.

Lose Hearing: Hearing loss is twice as common in people with diabetes as others. When the small vessels and nerves are damaged, sound transmissions get interrupted on their way to your brain.


Calf Cramps: Diabetes lead to cramps, especially in the legs on a daily basis. This can lead to circulation problems and pain in some parts of the body like thighs and even buttocks. It can be eased with some supplements and rest for a while but it will only get worse after a longer time.

Perspiration: Some diabetics experience excessive sweating even when they sleep or eat, while others stop sweating completely. Be aware if something’s different about your body.

Dry Mouth: High levels of blood sugar cause sore and lack of moisture in your mouth.

Bleeding Gums: High blood glucose is known to help bacteria grow wherever it is. First, you start getting red, swollen gums which will bleed while you brush your teeth.

12 Health Benefits of Swimming

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Swimming is a great cardiovascular workout that can help you burn calories and build endurance while having fun and protecting your joints.

1. Build Endurance

Swimming will build your cardiovascular ability, burn calorie and fat and improve your health without putting too much pressure and wearing down on your bones and joints. Many fitness experts consider swimming equal to running and cycling in terms of getting into shape or maintain a healthy body weight.

2. Diversify Your Abilities

Focusing on several types of physical activity will allow you to become a more capable athlete overall and build new muscles that complement those you’ve already developed.

Swimming : Woman swimming floating underwater low angle view

3. Boost Your Metabolism

Participating in a variety of fairly intense physical activities can help you give your metabolism a major boost, meaning it will help your body continue to burn through calories even when you’re not doing something physical.

4. Avoid Injury, Potentially

swimming is considered a low-impact physical activity. This mean swimming can save you from sore knees, ankles, hips, and calves, and could also prevent some of the more dramatic injuries associated with activities like cycling and running.

5. Heal Up

Swimming will allow you to stay in shape when you are recovering from pulled, strained, or even torn muscles as it tends to place significantly less pressure on the bones and joints than many other sports or activities.

6. Enhance Flexibility

Swimming can help build flexibility because it presents participants with lots of resistance without all the impact of other activities. The more flexible you are, the less likely you’ll be to sustain a muscle injury, such as spraining a muscle in your knee or groin.



7. Strengthen Your Core

Swimming offers an excellent core workout because it requires the participant to balance themselves in the water. You may not even notice how this leads to the tightening of the core muscles, but in reality a solid session in the pool can do more for your abdominal muscles than a series of crunches. A stronger core can help us become more flexible and may alleviate pressure on other parts of our body, such as our lower back, reducing the potential for injuries.

8. Build Stronger Legs

Most forms of swimming require constant movement of the legs strengthening your lower body without all the undue pressure placed on the muscles, bones and joints.

9. Stronger Arms, Shoulders

Swimming places a huge amount of pressure on the upper body muscles, strengthening your arms, shoulders, or chest, unlike cardiovascular exercises like running and cycling. So, if you’re tired of arm curls, push ups, and bench presses, go for a dip and do some laps in the nearest pool.

10. a Friendly Activity

Swimming is a cardiovascular activity that can be enjoyed with others and the pool is a great place to meet and get to know others.



11. Weight Loss

If you take swimming seriously as a cardiovascular activity, then it can be an excellent weight loss tool. The key is to make sure your heart is pumping, which usually means pushing yourself to the point where you run out of breath. In this case, you can shed pounds in a reasonable amount of time.

Additionally, simply being put in a position where you must don a bathing suit can be enough motivation to get in better shape :).

12. Learn a Life-Saving Skill

Becoming an effective swimmer could save your or someone else’s life should you or someone else be put in a position where swimming becomes a life-or-death situation.


Source: https://www.activebeat.com/fitness/12-health-benefits-of-swimming/

Want to Lay Low on Sugar or Salt? Enjoy These Alternative Flavourings

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Excess of salt and sugar can lead to numerous health problems such as high blood pressure and increased cancer risks. Finding alternatives may improve your health, experts say.

It seems like the more sugar we eat, the more sugar we crave. Reducing our sugar and sodium intake and using alternatives will is heart healthy as well as beneficial for blood pressure, stroke and kidney health.

Sodium Substitutes

Aromatic vegetables including onions and garlic make for great seasonings as a base when cooking any sort of sauces or stir-fry.

Fresh herbs like chives, oregano, and basil to garnish your meals will add greatly to falvour without any of that added sodium.

Using herbs will not only decrease your salt consumption but will also add antioxidants to your diet.

Hot sauce, cayenne pepper or chili pepper

Using hot sauce, cayenne pepper and chili pepper can be used in many meals even in popcorn. It’s a great alternative for flavour and have high dose of vitamins, can boost your metabolism, lower blood pressure and may help in digestion.

Citrus – Lemon and vinegar are also good seasoning options that can amp up the flavour of soups, sauces and more.

Umami ingredients like mushroom, nuts, seeds and tomatoes can add flavour as well as numerous vitamins and minerals.



Sugar Substitutes

Dates  usually take the sweet craving away and you can use date purée for baking, to spread over a toast or top a plain yogurt. According to Livestrongdates don’t raise your blood sugar, increases your fibre intake, as well as your vitamin B intake.

They are also high in potassium and magnesium, Tristaca Curley, a registered dietitian with Fueling with Food, says.

Blackstrap molasses is a byproduct of sugar cane’s refining process and is often recommended for diabetics as a sweetener. It is a really good source of calcium and iron and can be used to sweeten salad dressing up and more.

Ripe bananas that you can also throw into the freezer and later use in baking are filled with vitamin B6, potassium, and fibre. They help moderate blood sugar levels, improve digestive health and may help with weight loss.

Honey is full of nutrients, can help lower blood pressure and improve cholesterol.

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14 Secrets from Countries with the Lowest Heart Attack Rates

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Japanese who have to rise early to commute to work and return late eat smaller portions on the run. They use the phrase ‘Hara Hachi Bu,’ which means 80 percent, as in 80 percent full. At 100 percent, a person is said to feel uncomfortable and stuffed.’

No Korean meal is complete without a side dish of kimchi. According to Ornish Lifestyle Medicine, ‘Fermented foods reduce inflammation, improve immunity, digestion and gut health, support weight loss by enhancing metabolism, improve mental health, and even reduce the risk of heart disease.’

Green tea is loaded with antioxidants, which can lower blood pressure and cholesterol. Claire Koga, MD, a family physician and board member of Keiro, a non-profit health group, points out: ‘Several studies have shown that antioxidants, specifically flavonoids found in green and black teas, may protect the heart in part by improving endothelial function—and this can reduce the risk of clogged arteries.’



Integrating fish into daily diet the way the Japanese and Koreans do helps boost lifespan. The secret lies not only in fish’s protein and vitamin D, but in the omega-3 fatty acids, such as EPA and DHA, says Barry Sears, MD, author of the Zone Diet book series and president of the Inflammation Research Foundation.

In a Canadian Fitness survey, those who stood most of the day had a 33 percent lower mortality than those who sat. According to Dr. Takata, ‘Using hours of television watched per week as a surrogate for sitting—people can remember how much television watched in a week more easily than how much time they sat—one study demonstrated that every single hour of television watched after the age of 25 years reduces the viewer’s life expectancy by 21.8 minutes.’

In his book, The Blue Zones Solution, Dan Buettner shares the healthy habits of several enclaves of long-lived populations. Most notably, these people drink alcohol moderately but regularly. The trick is to drink one to two glasses per day… And no, you can’t save up all weekend and have 14 drinks on Saturday.’

Take a stroll down Champs-Élysées, and you’ll easily be able to spot Parisians at a café sipping wine—almost any time of day. Yet, the French population is much healthier in comparison to other health-obsessed nations riddled with heart disease. Researchers believe that their red wine intake contributes significantly to a heart-smart diet.



The world’s longest-lived people aren’t focused on pumping iron, running marathons, or joining gyms. Instead, they live in environments that encourage and support activity. In France, Japan, and Korea, driving (especially in major cities) is less common. Instead, people frequently walk, bike, or take public transportation. ‘

Cutting red and cured meat from your diet may lower your risk of heart disease. According to Dr. Koga, Japanese people tend to eat less meat than people in Western nations. They tend to get their proteins from lean meats, which contributes to a lower cholesterol and a decreased risk of coronary heart disease.

According to OCED data, South Korea and Japan have the lowest obesity rates in the world. As the American Heart Association points out, overweight people are 32 percent more likely to develop cardiovascular disease in their lifetime compared to people at normal weight.

Zen is an important concept in both Korean and Japanese philosophy, which encourages stress reduction through meditation. According to Buettner, ‘Stress leads to chronic inflammation, [which is] associated with every major age-related disease. Okinawans take a few moments each day to remember their ancestors, Adventists pray, Ikarians take a nap, and Sardinians do happy hour.’



A bad heart may be a sign that you’re smoking too much. When one quits smoking, that person’s risk of heart disease decreases greatly compared to that of a smoker.

Doctor visits are still key to preventing future heart problems. Annual comprehensive physical exams are quite common in Japan . The government and employers often encourage their employees to adopt healthier behaviors based on the results of these annual exams.

Want to lengthen your lifespan? This one may be the easiest of them all: Keep your friends. Buettner notes, ‘The world’s longest-lived people chose—or were born into—social circles that supported healthy behaviors.


Source: MSN Health & Fitness

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